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As a long term client of Nikki's and she is, simply put, incredible! She combines her love of movement, athletic background and knowledge of fitness to really help me reach my goals. Not only did she give me a new outlook on fitness, but helped restore my mental health through it! Her enthusiasm coupled with her continued support in and out of the gym in unmatched to anyone I have ever worked with and I could not recommend her enough - thank you Nikki!

Serena G, 23

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Nikki's training exceeded my expectations! Her workouts are crafted to where I am at physically while still pushing me to the next level. The results speak for themselves. My body weight is down more than 30 lbs, muscle mass has increased, my body fat percentage has dropped more than 4% and I have an overall increase in my level of energy.

Cody M, 32

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Right before age 30 is when I really started to notice how my body was slowing down I was tired, moody and putting on weight fast. I tired different things here and there like keto, Hotworx, but nothing seemed to be sustainable or kept me motivated long enough to see results. When I started with Nikki, our workouts were for a half hour, once a week. The benefits started after the first session. The first thing I noticed was a pain disappearing in my knee that I had been dealing with for a few years. I felt stronger and had a lot more energy. Nikki advised me that if I wanted to see more results, the ones I was looking for, I needed to focus more on my diet, just as much as I was focusing on my workouts with her. I took her advice and made major changes. I also increased my sessions to twice a week because I was hooked on feeling so great. This is when the weight started to fall off. I've lost over 20lbs, lowered my body fat percentage and bought a new wardrobe in the size down. Aside from feeling more confident in the mirror, I feel great physically. Nikki's style of training is geared toward strength and mobility. She mixes weight training with functional movements that challenge your body and mind simultaneously. I have greatly benefited from working with her and highly recommend her sessions.

Liz L, 31

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Towards the beginning of 2020, I became less active. I was out of shape and it began to take a toll on my mental health and general wellbeing. I started with Nikki originally hoping to train with her a few times to jump-start getting back into shape. I liked working with her so much I've been training with her weekly for over a year now. I was a little intimidated initially, as I've never been much of a gym-rat, but Nikki is friendly, makes you feel comfortable and has kept me motivated to keep coming back. My work schedule can be unpredictable sometimes and she has been super flexible and accommodating with our training sessions. Most importantly, she's very knowledgable and an excellent trainer. I'm now in the best shape of my life and I feel great. I highly recommend her.

Chris J, 37

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I started training with Nikki in the beginning of 2021. In that time, I have seen my strength and endurance improve. She is always challenging me to improve and is very efficient as she has a full workout written up each session. I find her very enjoyable to workout with and she knows how far to push me in order to succeed. I work with her three times a week in season and I enjoy my workouts very much. At the end of every session, I feel like I accomplished something and feel great.

Donald M, 68

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I have two daughters who both play competitive volleyball. I took them to work with Nikki to accomplish several goals:
- Improve overall fitness + conditioning
- Correct muscle imbalances
- Increase their verticals
- Build endurance
Their experience thus far has been very positive. We have seen measurable growth and improvement in their fitness, endurance, strength and vertical jump. Nikki not only explains each exercise in detail, but educates the girls on how they will translate on the court when they play. She is also friendly and makes every session fun. I would 1005 recommend working with her.

Barbra S

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I began training with Nikki in July 2021 and I have made amazing progress with her help! The individual plan she prepares for each session keeps the workout new and interesting with perfect amount of challenge. Honestly I can't say enough great things about her - she's the best!

Dylan D, 28

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